Friday, January 31, 2014

4 months!

Cora is a big, healthy girl! At her 4 month appointment she weighed 15lb 10.5 oz (72%) and was 26in long (92%). Where does that height come from??

She is still very calm and happy most of the time. She continues to sleep through the night - usually 8pm to 7:30am. She's lost a lot of hair and it looks like it's growing back blonde. Cora doesn't mind tummy time and is very strong holding her head up and pushing up with her arms. She rolled once from front to back, but it may have been a fluke because she hasn't done it again. She loves to suck her hands and can now grab toys and bring them to her mouth. She also likes to look at herself in the mirror which always makes her smile and laugh. 

Merry Christmas!

Christmas seems like it was ages ago, but here are some pictures finally.
Cora LOVED the Christmas tree lights and spent lots of time staring at them. 

She got to meet the rest of her aunties on Matt's side... Heidi, Lisa and Jenna

She also met Great Grandma and Grandpa and all her cousins!

Lauryn, Cora, Mason, Darrin & Mya

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cora's Baby Blessing

Cora was blessed at church by her daddy on December 8, 2013. Matt's dad, stepmom, brother and sister, as well as my parents made the trip up for the the weekend. It was a frigid weekend! Like in the 20s. We went to Multnomah Falls where everything was frozen, which made it even more beautiful!

Our great Portland friends came too - Michelle, Aren, and Molly
Thanks everyone for coming!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

3 months old!

Cora is such a happy baby! She is quick to smile and laugh and loves to "talk" to us. She loves when we imitate her sounds. On her 3 month birthday she started sleeping through the night (8-12 hour stretches)! We went on a 14 hour roadtrip to see Matt's family and Cora did great! She has figured out how to put her hands in her mouth and loves to suck on her fist and fingers.