Sunday, May 19, 2013

I'm BACK! and pregnant!

Well, let's be honest, I'm back because I'm pregnant. And I want to document this amazing experience in our lives, not to mention all the people who want to see my growing belly. So here it goes!

Two blue lines = pregnant
(notice photobomber Allie)
We had been trying to get pregnant for only about 4 months when I noticed my sense of smell was driving me crazy! I could smell everything and it all smelled so strongly! I took a test on a Sunday morning in January, but it was faulty... no blue lines. I took another one the next Tuesday morning after Matt had left for work and it was positive. I starting crying and think I told Allie first :) Then I called Matt and told him the good news!! I had to go to work and it was soooo hard not to tell everyone what had just happened that morning! But we had agreed to keep it a secret until we were further along and were past the riskiest weeks.

We told my parents when we saw them the next weekend... they are soooo excited for their first grandbaby. Then I told my sister and a few close girlfriends here in Portland, but after that it was our little secret until week 12 when we heard a strong heartbeat and decided to spill the news to everyone. We got to tell Matt's family in person when we were down for Easter, which was really special. Everyone is so happy and excited for a new baby!

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